COVID-19 Vaccine

We are experiencing a high call volume at this time. Please be patient and we will you address your concerns as soon as possible.

Our practice is implementing a COVID-19 vaccine program as a provider through the PA Department of Health. We are currently providing the Moderna vaccine and are only vaccinating current patients at this time.


We are following CDC and PA Department of Health protocols for vaccination schedules and procedures.


Currently, we are vaccinating patients who qualify in Phase 1a, which includes frontline workers, persons over the age of 65, and those with high-risk health conditions. For a the most current list of vaccine phase qualifications, click here.


If you qualify for Phase 1A and are an established patient, please call us at 215-249-9020 and leave your information.


After we receive your information and an appointment is available, you will receive a text notification to schedule a time to get vaccinated. Please be sure that you are text enabled. If you don’t have a text capable phone, please let us know.


We continue to be dedicated to your health and safety at this time. Our practice is following all CDC guidelines, as well as the previously outlined COVID Procedures.


Thank you for continuing to choose us as your family’s primary care team.


Dr Davis, Natasha and the Dublin Medical team